My Two Cents: Lizzie Borden

I do agree that Lizzie was rightfully acquitted because there wasn’t any real evidence against her. They really fucked things up much like the Ramsey case with people going in and out of the house. Good lord the autopsies were done in the house. That’s creepy as fuck. Can I have some morphine?

No wonder Lizzie was on drugs because that’s pretty ghoulish but I guess it makes sense considering it was 1892 when the whole fingerprinting thing was just becoming a thing and they didn’t have fancy labs to do autopsies. I think it is very possible there were prints there that didn’t belong to anyone in the house but they didn’t bother with that since the whole idea of fingerprinting was new. I get why the prosecution would want the testimony about Lizzie trying to buy prussic acid included but I don’t think that would have convicted her.

I think showing that Lizzie was in a murdery frame of mind was the intent of trying to get that admissible but that is one hell of a leap from hey I’m going to take out my stepmother and my father with poison to oh well that didn’t work so on to plan B where I take a hatchet to them instead. It could have been a very innocent thing. I’m not sure how much ten cents worth of this acid would have been and if it was enough to take out two humans. Even that would be iffy since Abby and Andrew clearly weren’t poisoned.

Andrew clearly had enemies and sure it is totally possible that Lizzie did the deed but I’m not so sure she did. Sure it is possible for a woman to be just as evil as a man. Hell, there’s that lady who killed people and used the bodies in soap and baked goods so of course a girl taking out the folks is possible but I’m just not so sure that Lizzie had the strength to do it. She was 5′ 1″ which is pretty small. Abby was a large woman so I’m not so sure that Lizzie would be able to pull it off. I’m not sure about Abby but in Andrew’s case he was hit from behind so it being Lizzie is totally possible since taking someone by surprise would certainly help in this case and once you’re hacking away the poor victim doesn’t have a chance in hell of fighting the attacker off.

I think Abby was struck from behind too so it isn’t impossible for the killer to be Lizzie but I’m not convinced that she did it. The maid was there too and it just seems odd that she would be totally clueless. Could she have been in on it? Sure. It just seemed like they zeroed in on Lizzie right away. Bridgette was there too and supposedly there was a deathbed confession where she said she protected Lizzie. That ties in with something I saw when I was watching a video with a psychic. She brought up the possibility that Andrew abused the girls and that Bridgette had her boyfriend take out Abby and Andrew. I’m no genius but why didn’t Bridgette hear something? Wouldn’t there be a scream and a thump when Abby was attacked? I’m sure I would have screamed at least once if someone took an ax to my back.

It was very convenient that Abby was away. She had the perfect alibi. Could she have known something? Sure Lizzie could have gone to her friend Alice to cover her ass but maybe she knew something and just said that she thought something bad was going to happen. She could have been too afraid to say what she knew. The family got food poisoning which was probably from the five-day-old mutton. The dude was rich but he didn’t even have electricity in the house and clearly, he didn’t give a fuck about what his family was eating.

It is also strange that Andrew had two adult daughters still living with him long past the time when fathers would have married their daughters off. Why is that? I think it is likely that Lizzie was a lesbian. I think Andrew might have been so tightfisted that he didn’t want to risk marrying his daughters off only to have to take care of their deadbeat husbands. You would think a guy would want to marry his daughters off. I would think one daughter being unmarried at the age of 32 was unheard of let alone two where the older one is like ten years older.

Maybe it is just me but I’ve heard people say Lizzie has crazy eyes. When I look at her I see sadness in her eyes. Are people just seeing who they think she is? Once you know how horrible a person is or in this case assume a person is isn’t it a lot easier to see the evil where before you might not? As for Lizzie’s story about being in the barn eating peaches, I think that was a lie to cover up what she was really doing. I think it is very possible that Lizzie wasn’t there during the murders.

Lizzie could have been meeting a lover. Obviously, she couldn’t tell anyone about that which could explain why her story changed and she was also drugged which also explains why she wasn’t consistent. It also sounds like Lizzie was blunt since she made it clear that Abby wasn’t her mother. It is the truth but some people would probably judge her for that. Also if you don’t fit into a nice and tidy box of how you should be and how you should act people are going to judge you like me being a junkie because of my nail polish color and not acting like a person who had just discovered her home was broken into.

It just seems like it was easy for the cops to go after Lizzie. Okay the guy spotted fifteen miles away covered in blood is a bit iffy but people saw a wild-eyed man around town. The uncle wasn’t a fan of his brother Andrew and the girls had a  half brother James I believe his name was. I think the half brother and not the uncle was a butcher. Someone was spotted carrying a cleaver down the street. They only think they found the murder weapon and it turns out that the hatchet handle fit in Abby’s scarf but I wonder why they haven’t tested it. Couldn’t they just test the hatchet handle to see what DNA is on it?

It just seems a bit much to say that Lizzie took out two people in a house where she had to clean herself up not once but twice in order to do the kills. Even if she was naked I would think it would be pretty hard to clean up all the blood. And there was no indoor plumbing so how did she get all the water she needed to clean up? Wouldn’t something be left behind? Wouldn’t her hair be wet? Even if she wrapped herself up in her dad’s coat to take out her dad wasn’t he wearing it on the day he was murdered? I guess if Lizzie had help she could have done it but that’s one hell of a clean up even with the maid helping her. Sure burning the dress is fishy but there’s no proof on what was actually on the dress. It could have been totally innocent. It is very easy for people to judge especially with Lizzie since she didn’t behave the way a woman was supposed to in those days. She was supposed to be married and have kids.

Sure there’s a motive to kill Abby and Andrew since the girls would get the money but I would imagine that Andrew had enemies that would have been totally fine with seeing him dead. The dude raised the rent when a person got a raise. This isn’t a guy that you’d want to hang out with and have a pint with down at the bar. Maybe Emma turned Lizzie against Abby. Since Lizzie was so young you’d think she’d become tight with the woman who raised her and was really the only mother she could remember but instead Emma seemed to fill that role. Could she have used her little sister to carry out this plan? I would think that if Lizzie did do the murders and got away with it she’d go off somewhere new and start over. She’d finally be able to have the life that her father deprived her of. Instead, she moved up on the hill where she always wanted to be and lived out her life. It is pretty sad since the court freed her but the town condemned her. I just don’t see a guilty person doing that since she could have gone anywhere she wanted to and no one would have known about her past.

I think Emma found out about Lizzie and Nan I want to say her name is kissing. Lizzie did have friends but they weren’t the “right” sort of friends since they were actors. The so-called right people shunned her and that includes everyone at church. It is just weird that they didn’t want her to hang but they were totally cool with giving her the deep freeze. The murders could have been orchestrated by the maid and Emma who stayed away at the perfect time. It could have been the maid herself because she felt protective of the girls since I’m thinking Andrew was abusive. I’m not saying it was sexual but there had to be something bad going on.

There is more than one way to get beaten down. It is odd how the sisters died within days of each other. Hopefully, Lizzie was able to get some happiness after she moved to the hill. I bet when people are dead they look the girl up to get the 411 on what went down. She must be quite popular among the dead since we just want to know what went down that afternoon. It is interesting that there was a serial killer called the Axeman who killed with an ax from 1917 to 1918 in New Orleans. Many of his victims survived. Could that be connected? It is an interesting thought but is probably unlikely. The killer was never found. Maybe Abby and Andrew were his first victims. Maybe there are other murders that were never connected because there was no way to find out about them at the time.

Cherie Priest has a series about the Bordens. I want to read it. I found one of the books at Dollar Tree. These days I’m kinda iffy about going to Dollar Tree although the place did reopen. I assume they have self-checkouts now since they had to be doing something during the time they were closed. But this is the same store that was shut down by the fire department a year or two ago.

Currently Reading: Cold-Hearted Rake by Lisa Kleypas, Confessor by Terry Goodkind

I did try reading Foul Is Fair but stopped. I’m a fan of over the top but this was too over the top for me. It was just strange that they were all about killing the guys while at the same time the one girl telling her parents some of what happened. No one book is for everyone. I don’t know if not being familiar with Shakespeare played a part in my not liking it. I did see Romeo And Juliet and that’s my whole experience with Shakespeare. I do have a cozy mystery and I think the other is a chick lit that I’ll try out that have Latino characters. I think one might be Mexican but I’m not sure about the other one.